funkadelic grassroots... one love


so the flower unfurls...
shocking orange and white...
the exotic kind that grows...
only in the deepest jungles...

a blend of yellow and red...
streaking crimson inside...
a beauty that shines...
outside the light of the sun...

and as nighttime arrives...
the glory recedes...
hiding its petals from me...
but i have already seen...

so i will forever believe...

-sometimes its a different flower-


dont leave tonight, stay another day, i cant bear to see you walk away into the dark street...
lie next to me, let me listen to the complicated polyrhythmic inflections of your heartbeat...
and maybe i can soothe the sad sorrows that echo through the hollow chambers of your mind...
lets not our breaths heavy or our souls empty, we can be something of substance, much refined...
lets not prostitute our words but let them be the angels surrounding all our stories told...
so close the window, the air outside is cold, talk to me and open the window to your soul...
let your eyes rest, lay your head on my chest, may out hearts beat in unison, forever steady...
you will always be the rhythm in my life, and i can be your heartbeat, but only if you let me...
